Monday, September 28, 2015


One way I think about putting money aside for Operation Christmas Child expenses, is using what I call found money. It can come from a variety of places.  I really only do two things regularly. I know others do Swag Bucks and regularly earn Amazon gift cards.  I am just not that disciplined.  Just google it and I am sure you will find tons of tricks and tips to maximize your earnings.

As I said before, I'm not an avid couponer.  Since I am a Target shopper, I do look in their weekly ad for their $5 gift card promos.  You have to buy a dollar amount or a number of an item and you earn a $5 gift card at check out.  If it is something I need or use, I will try to match to a coupon.  There are many blogs that track the info.  I like

I will use the $5 specifically for Shoeboxes.

The other regular source of found money is Ebates.  They give you a small rebate back on most of your on-line purchases.  You just need to remember to start at Ebates before you go to a site to shop.  Frequently, they have double cash back.  They are doing it right now.  

I use Chrome and there is an app that puts an Ebates button on my toolbar.  It flashes in red when I go to a site that they work with so it is harder to forget.

Right now I have $27.24 in my ebates account.  They will mail me a check at the end of the quarter.  Again, it does help.  It is definitely found money as it comes from things I was buying anyway.

Here is my referral link, full disclosure, I will be getting rewarded if you sign up but remember, it goes into my found money shoebox account.  You can certainly set up you own referrals too   

One other way, Credit Card Rewards.  We charge everything, but pay our bill in full each month.     I use the credit card points to "buy" gift cards. I have $100 Walmart and $100 Target card due in any day now. Another source of "Found Money". 

What are your sources of Found Money?

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