Thursday, September 24, 2015


Shoebox Shoppers shared a great deal on Dr. Seuss pencils a week or so ago.  These were such cute pencils, I wanted them to be special in the shoeboxes.

I saw this on pinterest:
You can find the original instructions here. I would read these.  I haven't been a detailed.

I made a new template to work with 4 Dr. Seuss Pencils, I used a cereal box. You can download it here.

A couple of things I learned:

1. Tape the template to the reverse side of the box because good lines and scores are important to make a nice finished box.

2.  I scored while the template was still taped down.  I used a ruler and the back side of my scissors.  You need to be precise or you won't get good folds.

3.  Once you cut out, begin to fold.  Again, be precise.

4.  I used double sided tape to hold it together.

5.  I cut a small square of sticky velcro into quarters.  Put the loops on the flap.

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