Monday, September 28, 2015


Tic Tac Toe seems to be the go to game to include in shoeboxes.  I don't know about your kids, but the thrill wears off by the time they are three.

I searched for a little more challenging game and found TAPATAN.  Although this version is from the Philippines, there are variations around the world.  The game lasts longer than a game of Tic Tac Toe so I thought it would be better for older kids.

I have created several versions which I will share below.
1.  Gel Transfer to Wood
2.  Paint on Wood
3.  Self Stick floor Tile
4.  Laminated

You can download a PDF with four boards here.
You can download a PDF with instructions in English/Spanish/French here.

I love using Gel Medium (artist supply) to transfer images to wood.  I am not as happy with this result as other projects I have done.  I think it may have to do with there isn't solid enough background or lines.  Gel Medium can be kind of expensive so be sure to use a 40% off coupon.  A jar will last a long time.

I will give a quick overview.
Cut scrap wood into 4 inch squares.  I used something I had laying around.  Thinner is better.

Print out PDF on a LASER PRINTER.  Cut out.
 Use your fingers, or a brush if you must and put a coat of gel medium on the wood.  Place the cut out FACE DOWN on top of the gel.  Smooth paper with your fingers, making sure you have burnished it well.
LET IT DRY OVERNIGHT.  I am not good at waiting but trust me, it will work better.

Get some wet paper towels and put down something thing to work on.
This is where the magic happens.  Let the wet paper towels soften the white paper.  Rub GENTLY with your fingers to rub off the paper.  The image should be left behind.  

As you can see, this needs more work getting the white paper haze off.

DONE or you can cover with a coat of Mod Podge.  Recently, I have seen 2 oz bottles at the Dollar Tree.


I painted the same scrap wood with cheap craft paint.

I took the same PDF, put it on top of the wood and traced with a pen.  It made lines in the wood that I could follow.

I used a SHARPIE and a straight edge.

I had some hole reinforcements laying around and put these on.  Think it looks more finished.  Can also finish off with Mod Podge if desired.

I am really pleased with this one.

Buy a self stick tile.  My DH found this one at Lowes for 53 cents. Makes NINE BOARDS, at around 6 cents each.

The cheaper and thinner the better.  We cut into 9 4 inch squares, using a straight edge and box knife.

Download and print the PDF on to card stock.  I used colored pages, Michaels has a pack of 50 sheets on sale this week for $2, making each board  1 cent each.  Trim to four inches.  Better to be a little bigger than too small.
 Fold down just a little of the liner paper on the back of the cut tile.  This will make it easier to line up the card stock.  You have ONE CHANCE to get it on right so take your time

Pull down the liner paper, pressing on the card stock.  Burnish the card stock, especially on the corners.
 If you have paper overhanging the edge, just sand it off to get a perfect edge.

Print the PDF and laminate.
Cut into game boards.

Each set needs 3 pieces of 2 colors.  I used glass marbles from the Dollar Tree.  I got enough for 20 games in each bag, so another nickel in cost.

I made tiny draw string bag for the pieces.  I think I will put the game board, instructions and the draw string bag in a cellophane treat bag to keep it together.

I almost forgot, you could also include a tic tac toe board too.

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