Wednesday, October 7, 2015


As I have stated before, not a big couponer but when I know I will be buying a specific item.

Target has a deal this week, $5 gift card with $15 personal care purchase.  I need more soap for my boxes.

99 cents for 3 bars, I googled Ivory soap coupons and found a 50 cent coupon. I could print two on my computer and two on my husband's computer.
This isn't has confusing as it seems:

15 packages x .99 =  $15
Minus $2 total coupons
Total: $13
$13 divided by 45 bars = .289 cents per bar and $5 in FOUND MONEY (Target gift card)

OR IF you want to think of it this way....
$13 minus $5 gift card = $8  or .178 cents per bar

For last minute needs, this isn't a bad deal.

(If you have a Red Card, 5% more off, or 16.33 cents each)

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