Monday, October 26, 2015


I think it's nice to include a cup or bowl or both in a shoebox.  My big problem is they take up TOO MUCH room, even when I can stuff a beanie baby into a cup. I finally found something that met my price requirements (shoestring) and was gender and age neutral and was FLAT.

These were 35 cents each from Kole Imports.  When I ordered, there was a promo code for 10% off.  See my next post on Kole.  I don't want to muddy up this post.

This is also from Kole.  It solves the bowl space problem.  It is a collapsible bowl with a lid, 24 pieces to a box.  It fits perfectly in a go box.  It was 49 cent minus 10%.  See my post on Kole Imports here. 

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