Monday, November 9, 2015

Take politics out of Shoeboxes

I recently read a blog post outlining seven reasons NOT to fill shoeboxes.  You can google and you will find the post. 

First, let me state that I am a Lutheran and come to the table with a belief set and doctrine that is not always in line with Samaritan Purse. 

Second, let me state that I PERSONALLY don't agree with many of Franklin Graham's social views. I am also less than thrilled with the level of his annual compensation. 

I fill shoeboxes in full understanding of these differences. I don't financially support any other aspects of Samaritans Purse. 

This blog post that I referred to states that the kids don't need the items received. Of course, each box sent is packed differently but I refuse to believe this. If one follows the general guidelines provided (hygiene items, school supplies, something to wear, something to love, and something fun) the box given and received should be very useful.  One needs to remember possible cultural differences between our society and the possible recipients'.   There needs to  a good balance in your box. Don't pack all plastic toys from a $ store. 

Another point this recent blog post made was the disruption to the local economy. I have no first hand experience or expertise but I imagine if families could afford to buy these items, the kids wouldn't need a shoebox. 

You should be fully aware of the details of any charity you support including this one. I am aware but I still support this outreach. 


  1. Excellent post, Lynne. I agree. Although I do not see eye-to-eye with Franklin Graham on many social issues, I will continue to pack shoeboxes. My main focus is on the child who will receive the box, and I will hope and pray there is something within that will bring him/her joy and that will be useful. I pack a variety of items in mine, just as you do, and I know a lot of thought and love goes into our efforts.

  2. I just read the blog. It made me sad. I am a Baptist. We believe on spreading the word of Jesus. It said that Samaritans purse makes these countries help with funding to get boxes there and other aid is this true? I to thank of items that can be used. Are they writing stuff to make them look good.
