Monday, November 30, 2015

Aliexpress whistles

I posted about this when I ordered. They came a couple of days ago.  They are a little smaller than I expected but they make a great loud noise. I am happy with them and will be ordering more. I put a sharpie in with them so you can judge size. 

Price is great! I paid 17 cents, now 18 cents. Remember, these come from China. I ordered on 11-11. 

They have on Amazon but are so much more expensive. 

Someone mentioned they but in all the 10-14 girl boxes for "protection". With the ring, it would be easy to wear around their neck on a ribbon.  

Aluminum Alloy Whistle Keyring Keychain Mini For Outdoor Emergency Survival Safety Sport Camping Hunting Free shipping

Monday, November 16, 2015

Found Money: Kohls

Do you have a Kohls Card? I rarely use mine but because I have Inez, I get great offers. I just received $5 off $5 and a 30% off. 

I found these balls on sale 70% off (not marked). I walked out of the store today with 12 balls and I paid 28 cents including tax. 

Not too bad. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015


I have my final total for 2015.  As I finished boxes, my dear Son would take them to an empty room in his condo.  I just needed them out of my house.  I didn't keep track of counts or anything.  He sorted and counted today.

2-4  4
5-9  6
10-14 35

2-4 3
5-9 2
10-14 29

Plus three that went over without labels that I will need to inspect.

So my grand total is 82.  Overall pretty pleased.  I also have a huge bag of Flip Flops and a box of little girl hair bows to take as fillers.  Also, gave my sister most of my girl leftovers.  She will be new to shoebox filling and she is committing to 40-50 10-14 girls                     

I have set my goal for 2016:  40 2-4 boys and 60 10-14 boys.

Just need to pray again over the boxes and wish them safe journeys to God's intended recipients. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Shoestring Deal Toothbrush and Case

This is one of the few items I love for the shoeboxes from Dollar Tree. 

Three brushes and Three cases $1

Not all locations carry but you can order by the case, 24 packages of three. You can have delivered to your local store to save shipping. If you don't need 72, maybe you can share with a friend. 

I always worry that something like this won't be there next year when I need it   

When putting in a box, I take the brush out of the package and put it in it's case. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Did you shop Singles Day 11-11?

Did anybody obsess at on 11-11?  I spent way too much time before hand and most of the day yesterday finding things for Shoeboxes.  There were some good deals to be had and some big coupons that may not be reflected in the prices I will list below.

I should mention that the current price I will list may not be lowest you can find. Many vendors sell the same items and I bought the lowest price YESTERDAY

WOODEN WHISTLES (Pictured above)
i paid 58.4 cents, currently 75 cents
$1.79 on Amazon

Can order by animal
I paid 22.7 cents each,  currently 31.8 
On Amazon 31 cents, 27 cents, shop around

Flat packed, 18 different animals
I paid 39.25 cents, currently 44 cents

Flat packed, fits perfectly in a shoebox.  When all pieces connected, makes a 12"x12" mat
I paid 81.3 cents, currently $1.02
$2.29 Amazon

I paid 38.72 cents, currently 57 cents each

FUNNY GLASSES, Love these as there is a whistle and party blowers in the moustache.
I paid 37.4 cents, now not much different 44 cents
This is more like a handi wipe but won't take a lot of room
12" x 16" when expanded
This was a great sale item
I paid 7.3 cents each, now 20 cents

One disk has 40 pins
I paid 15.87 cents per disk, now 20.7 cents per disk

Good for sewing kits
I paid 13.1 cents, now 14 cents

I paid 1.46 cents each, currently 1.68 cents each

I paid 58 cents, currently 66 cents each

SOCCER MINI FIGURERS (about 2 inches tall)
in packages of 100 assorted
I paid 15.8 cents each, 17.3 cents now
Listed as survival whistle so not a toy
I paid 15.5 cents and currently sold out
Amazon 59 cents and up

I have a sheet to include in the boxes with puzzles
I paid 67 cents, currently 79 cents

This is a good size and can double as a ruler too.
I paid 83.6 cents, now $1.09

I paid 20.9 cents, now 26.6 cents each



Monday, November 9, 2015

Take politics out of Shoeboxes

I recently read a blog post outlining seven reasons NOT to fill shoeboxes.  You can google and you will find the post. 

First, let me state that I am a Lutheran and come to the table with a belief set and doctrine that is not always in line with Samaritan Purse. 

Second, let me state that I PERSONALLY don't agree with many of Franklin Graham's social views. I am also less than thrilled with the level of his annual compensation. 

I fill shoeboxes in full understanding of these differences. I don't financially support any other aspects of Samaritans Purse. 

This blog post that I referred to states that the kids don't need the items received. Of course, each box sent is packed differently but I refuse to believe this. If one follows the general guidelines provided (hygiene items, school supplies, something to wear, something to love, and something fun) the box given and received should be very useful.  One needs to remember possible cultural differences between our society and the possible recipients'.   There needs to  a good balance in your box. Don't pack all plastic toys from a $ store. 

Another point this recent blog post made was the disruption to the local economy. I have no first hand experience or expertise but I imagine if families could afford to buy these items, the kids wouldn't need a shoebox. 

You should be fully aware of the details of any charity you support including this one. I am aware but I still support this outreach. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

11-11 Aliexpress

I use Aliexpress all the time and for years, I have only ever had one problem. Aliexpress is an on-line marketplace, Connecting you with Chinese vendors. Annually, their version of Black Friday is Nov 11. You can go on now and search and see prices and add them to your cart now. You won't get in time for this year's boxes but great prices to put away. 
I have some screen captures of a couple of things I like. 


I had a great couple of emails from Staples today.  If you aren't a member of Staples Rewards, sign up.

This morning, I got an email offering $5 in rewards back on any purchase if I ship on-line and pick up in the store.  This pack of 50 pens, reg $11.99, was on sale for $5.99 this week. Theis is a nicer pen than just a stick and love that it comes assorted so I can mix the colors.

Used ebates, so when all said and done, it will be 1.9 cents a pen.

Then this afternoon, I got another email with an anniversary $5 off any purchase.  Did this deal again.

i will end up with a 100 pens for $2. Yipee!

Monday, November 2, 2015


Yippee, got another LL Bean catalog today with $10 off $10. Check your mail. I used it to get a cute boy t-shirt to put away for next year. 

Saturday, October 31, 2015

One of my favorite items for 10-14 boxes back in stock

The Dollar Tree has been out of stock on this item for a long time while they changed packaging and the assortment. The old assortment use to have bird feeders, not a good Shoebox item.   I love these for boys. They can use markers to "paint". 

I have finished my boxes for 2015 but have already ordered for 2016 as I fear they won't be available. 

If you are working on boxes, you might want to hit your local store.