Wednesday, September 2, 2015


I was googling last night before bed and came across a blog post  (click here to read) from a Missionary in Senegal and her thoughts and recommendations for shoe box contents.  It was thoughtfully written and some ideas are important but some of the things she mentioned, I am not sure I agree with.

  • ANY thing soccer is good.  She suggested a deflated soccer ball and pump.  Not budget friendly but a good idea.  Soccer is so big the world over so I don't think you could go wrong with soccer themed items.  Skip American Football items, kids might not get.
  • She said not to send screen printed shirts, but rather send solids and stripes. In another portion, she said most kids are wearing rags.  i think i disagree with this.  Wouldn't a new shirt be better than no shirt?
  • She said to make sure the sizes are right (ie not XL adult shirt in teen boxes). Again, I am not sure how I feel about this.  If the rest of the box is thoughtfully packed, the shirt is a bonus.  I can remember when my children were small, they LOVED to give us presents.  I imagine this is an universal experience and I think a child would love to be able to share something from their shoebox with an older sibling (who is too old to get a shoebox) or a parent.
  • I haven't usually packed a tooth brush case and soap case.  Her post makes a good case why these are important.  I will be putting this on my must have list.
  • She also suggests a high quality Melamine (PLASTIC) plate, bowl and/or cup.  Again, this is something I haven't thought of.  Target carries this kind of thing and I have often seen in the clearance end caps.
  • She doesn't like stickers as there is no place for them to stick them.  I am not sure I agree with this either although I think it depends what else is in the boxes.  I always include a notebook, stickers allow some personalization of a boring notebook.  Again when my children were small, they loved to stick them on each other.  They don't take up any room, just something fun and colorful to add.
  • Stuffed Animals?  On her no list.  I think it is important to include something soft and lovey to add.  In fact, I also read that Australian OCC insists on this.  Your thoughts?

in general, I think all shoe box "fillers" should read her post and take away from it what you think is important.

I would love to hear back from you on your thoughts.

Also, look at when this was written (May).  Did you know shoeboxes are passed out year round?  I would suggest that you don't include Christmasy items since it will be months and months later till "your" child will receive their box.

1 comment:

  1. I always include a plush animal, even for the big boys' boxes. Most kids like them, and if the recipient feels he is too old for this type of toy it can be passed on to a younger sibling or friend. I put stickers in each box, too. Having taught middle school at one time, I know the older ones like stickers, and they even like to color, too. So I try to include some sort of coloring book or activity book in each box.

    I like your term, "thoughtfully" packed box. I try to do that with each one. I don't do soccer balls, but I put a bouncy ball in each box. I buy the ones from Old Navy. I do school supplies in each box, candy, hygiene items (I've stopped doing toothpaste), flip flops, and small toys and novelties.I try to include a cup or a bowl of some kind. I shop all year, and each box is a little different, as I sometimes have only a few of a certain item. I try to pack my boxes full, but not overflowing, and not skimpy at all. Last year I did 31; this year, my goal is 20, but I'm sending my extras in to the PC as fillers and I'm purchasing items for fillers as well. I don't have the space in my home to store stuff or fix hundreds of boxes.
