Wednesday, September 30, 2015


T-Shirt balls for boxes!  I am kind of addicted to making these. Shoebox Shoppers on Facebook shared this project. 

I have made a bunch and have some tips and refinements. 

For your info:  I got seven balls out of a XL men's shirt, it was a South Pole brand that tends to be extra long. I had an old t-shirt pillow case tha needed to be retired. I made five balls. 

I cut my strips a little narrower than her instructions, around 1/2 inch. 

I cut the strips into four inch lengths vs. six inches. I use 120 strips and an 8 inch zip tie. I wish I had less robust zip tie. 

Once you have them zip tied, cut off the zip tie tail. I use the open edge of my scissors to shave off any sharp edges left. 

Now, if is time to twist and fluff. I grab a few strands around the middle and twist one way, grab a few more and twist the other way.   Fluff around the ball. 

Time for a Hair Cut.  I like the strands to be even. Have you ever made a yarn pompom?  This is just a t-shirt pompom. 

Finished Balls!  Think these are great, thanks Shoebox Shoppers 

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